Let Go Of Past Success

There is a line in an old Geto Boys song that said “what you done did in the past don’t excite me.” Reflect on that line from the late Bushwick Bill. Look deeply at whatever it is you do in life professionally. Are you resting on your laurels? Are you hanging your hat on past glory and accomplishments? Are you still operating and leading like you did a year ago? Five years ago? Ten? Twenty? The phrase “That’s the way we’ve always done it” will not serve you well in the COVID-19 world. Amir Thompson, better known to us as Questlove wrote recently on his Instagram Page “You CAN’T conduct Pre-Covid business model in a Post-Covid times.” This is so true - especially as it relates to Education. Too often, especially in education, continuing to do what always has been done produces what typically is produced. The world in itself is full of average. On the mountain of average, people don’t want to accept or even share risk. They want to be protected from it. On this mountain resides...