Future Driven: Adaptability is Key!

Adaptability Yesterday, I finished reading David Guerin's "Future Driven" . Tremendous book! Enjoyed how Guerin breaks down the need for our schools to evolve and the insights he provides regarding how his school has taken steps to move forward. We cannot wait on the system to change. We are the system! We are the change we need! It's up to us to promote diversity, creativity, ideation, critical thinking, problem solving, and responsiveness. It's our responsibility to be the change! With all the reading I've done around redesigning schools and transforming learning, I've sat with what is my role as a leader in making this happen? As I took in "Future Driven" the one word that jumped off the pages for me was ADAPTABILITY. Inflexibility is failing our schools. Rigidity of the mind is the seed of destruction. Just ask Blockbuster, who stuck with their in store movie rental model and passed multiple times on purchasing Netflix. How d...