A Different World

Preparing Learners For A Different World I highly recommend reading Eric Sheninger's new blog post "Preparing Learners for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" . In the post, Sheninger shares why schools must to change to prepare learners for anything, not just for something. That something in education has been the phrase "college and career ready". We need to move beyond the buzz words. Are college and career important? Sure. It's also myth in 2018 that all high paying careers require a 4-year college degree. The skills learners need to enter into the global workforce today are far different from those required of my graduating class in 1996. Read this report: Automate This "Building The Perfect 21st Century Worker to gain a greater picture of the skills learners need to enter today's workforce. Employment growth has been fastest in jobs requiring more critical thinking and computer skills and slowest for jobs requiring the physical ...