Resolutions or Revolutions?

Resolutions or Revolutions? Resolution (noun): A firm decision to do or not do something. Revolution (noun): A dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people's ideas about it. It is that time of year where people begin to think about New Year's Resolution's. Every new year, 92% of adults create new goals and resolutions only to experience frustration, false starts and failures. In fact 50% of resolution makers will fail by the end of January. Losing weight, exercising or getting finances in order are among the most common resolutions people make. Yet, year after year the same resolutions continue to produce the same non-existent results. Now, think for a moment about your school. Where have you seen goals and resolutions mirror the success rate of new years resolutions? Was it that new "program" that was going to be a "game-changer?" Perhaps it was that new learning from the summer con...