We Are

"We Are" Recently, I had the honor to receive an advance copy of "They Call Me Mr. De: The Story of Columbine's Resilience and Recovery." I cannot recommend this book enough. It's a transformative must read for every educator and parent. The book filled me with hope, wisdom and inspiration. There were several times throughout the book I was moved to tears. Throughout, I reflected deeply on who I am as a husband, a father, a man, and a leader. This book is one that's personal for me. We are a Columbine Rebel Family. My oldest child will graduate from Columbine High School in May. We have three other kiddos that will graduate as Columbine Rebels. My wife and I -- we wouldn't want our children to attend school anywhere else. We live in a community that's strong, welcoming, united, kind, and caring. Often you hear that sports teams take on the personality of the head coach. I've heard it said that schools as well take on the personali...