Festivus: Believe to Achieve
Happy Festivus everyone! May your feats of strength be mighty. Instead of airing my grievances today and grabbing the aluminum pole from the crawl space, I thought I would share some thoughts on the power of belief. This time of year is anchored in belief. The young children believing in Santa Claus, the adults believing they can bring forth change through a resolution. But what happens when the odds are the greatest, when the odds seem insurmountable? When you face great odds or you have a little higher mountain to climb, you must create a different plan. When your mountain is a little steeper, you have to take a better strategy to get you there. Does your life or your school have obstacles that seem insurmountable? What obstacles are blocking your path to achieving what you want? What mountains do you have standing in front of you that stand in the way of achieving all that you desire? What mountain must you climb to get to the beach that lies on the other side?...