Managing Your Internal Inbox
One year.....a lot can change in one year.......the last time I wrote anything on this blog was EXACTLY one year ago, TODAY. Before I even write anything more I want to give thanks. To every educator across the country pouring your heart and soul into your students - THANK YOU. You are always going to remember this group of students. Five, ten years years from now as your students look back on this experience - they may or may not remember a remote learning assignment. They are absolutely going to remember you - their teacher. They are going to remember how much you cared, they are going to remember the comfort you provided, they will remember the sense of normal you provided during the not normal time, they will remember you brought classmates together - to share the forts they built, their pets, or their experiences at home. Most importantly, they are going to remember you for being there for them. And, you won't ever forget this group of students. As you reflect, you will come...