Thank You: Update my Son

Last night my wife and I received the biggest scare of our lives. Our youngest son Austin began having a seizure in bed around 9:20pm. Our daughter Noelle was coming back into our room after using the restroom and noticed Austin shaking and began to scream.

The seizure lasted about 5 minutes and Austin was incoherent for most of our car ride over to Children’s Hospital South where he was seen. Unfortunately, we don’t know what caused the seizure. That unknown for me is freightening. The doctors ruled out meningitis and we are scheduling follow up appointments and testing. He will need an EEG done and possibly a MRI. Hopefully we can get some answers soon.

Austin’s brother and sister (Carson and Noelle) were up when we got home around 11:30 last night, scared and concerned for their brother. I’m sure today will be tough for them at school. I am grateful for their teachers and principal over at their school (Leawood) who are so kind and caring. Austin also goes to their school part time as a Pre Kindergarten student. We are very fortunate to live in a school community that supports each and every member.

I stayed home today to spend the day with him to keep an eye out and help get his appointments scheduled. He’s a little lethargic today and taking it easy, which for him is difficult. He didn’t earn the nickname “The Beast” for nothing!

Appreciate everyone who reached out to both my wife and I over the last 12 hours. This without a shadow of a doubt has been the most difficult, heart wrenching thing we’ve dealt with as parents. Hard to see your baby laying there seizing and you have no idea why. Something I won’t ever forget and an experience I hope parents never have to go through.

Thanks again to everyone who has reached out. I cannot thank you enough. The well wishes and kind words mean a great deal. For those of you with kids, kiss them, hug them, and tell them you love them.


Update: Austin has an EEG scheduled for October 2nd and a follow up consult on the test on October  4th. He threw up again this afternoon in top of doing so on the way home yesterday. He felt he had a fever yesterday when he was seizing although he didn’t have one last night when he was seen. He felt warm this afternoon which also came and went. Makes me think he had a febrile seizure but in situations like this you want to rule out everything and get to some clarity.

Thanks again everyone. Been a rough 24 hours. Times like these make you appreciate your friends and family even more. Support has been awesome! Going on near zero sleep today you all have helped give me energy. Thank you.



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